Wednesday, May 26, 2010

St George Fire Recruite Academy!

I just wanted to take a second to tell everyone how proud I am of my great husband!! He is graduating from the Fire Academy!! WahOooO!! He did it!!! Just to give you an idea of what a huge accomplishment it is....

First, to even GET an application for the Fire Department, you have to pass an interview! They ask you all sorts of hard and deep questions about your aspirations, where you plan to progress, what risks your willing to make in the rescue of others, they ask about your family...all that good stuff! After they interview you, the Board makes a list of those they were impressed by and invite you via mail to fill out their application. The others are eliminated.

Then, you are required to take a Physical test. This is where the fun begins! Sprinting up flights of stairs with 40lbs of gear.... climbing high latters and ropes.... correctly performing physical firefighting-related tasks.... push ups- sit ups- runs, ect. ... All while being timed! This is where they narrowed down the group WITH OUT even looking at your application. Just over 20 people were eliminated. If your slow-you're gone. If you go out of order-your gone. If you show up late-you're gone. If you make ANY mistake-you're history!! They pretty much look for reasons to narrow down the group b/c so many people who want the position!

Third, you are required to take a 3 hour written exam. They test your medical knowledge, your street smarts and your ability to comprehend certain things..... yikes! Another HUGE elimination process.

Another interview takes place.

Then it's ALLL a waiting game.....

......weeks of not knowing....

Finally, the St George Fire Departmend formally invites you and your spouse to attend a meeting. This is where they discuss the huge risks involved, the time requirements, ect. Where we also meet the Chief and other leaders. At this point, you still have the option to step down.

-Out of well over 100 applicants, 13 MEN were selected to start training as official Recruites.
-Four 2-hour long State exams, as well as four Skills Tests take place in the following 19 weeks of training.
-Out of those 13 Recruites, 2 eliminated themselves because of the intense physical and emotional demands.

Making Kirk one out of eleven Graduates from the academy.
An academy that only excepts Recruites every 3-5 years.
I am so proud of you, babe.

A formal ceremony will take place on June 3rd to honor these men in their advancements.