Friday, October 8, 2010

newly weds!

Just recently Kirk and I were at the park with our crazy doggy doo, Mo! It was a nice evening and it was starting to get dark. An older man came to hang out with us, whom we've seen like 5o times but can only remember his dogs name, Betty, and not his hahahaha. Pretty pathetic! But he was telling us about his ranch in Idaho. He said it was where his and wife and himself raised their children, they had cows-chickens-horses-sheep and Betty. They grew crops too! He was telling us all these wonder things he loved about his painted a perfect picture in our heads. And, as you know, Kirk and I have a dream of owning land where we can have a ranch too :) We want that soooooooo bad. So! We asked him "If you could do it over again, what would you do differently?" It seemed like a good question to ask! We were hoping for good pointers on stuff like... "Well, when you buy chicks, expect 2 or 3 of them to die so always buy a few more than you want"... or other advice like... "Horses are just like dogs. They need to be played with and given attention daily for hours if you want them to be good animals..." bla bla.

But Instead...

he said, "I would listen and learn all I can from people around me. I would value my relationships so much more the second time around..."
That comment made it really obvious to my husband and I that we are at two complete different stages of our lives. I will never forget the way that change of focus happened. We talked about it on out drive home. Life is such a beautiful cycle. This man had to be in his 60's reflecting back on his life, wondering if he did all he could to make it fulfilling... and here we are, newly-weds still dreaming about the future we want to put together. It's so awesome!

Having said that, Congratulations on this New-Start to Brad and Leah! We love you!

"May the joy of our fidelity to the highest and best within us be ours as we keep our love and our marriages, our society and our souls, as pure as they were meant to be."