Monday, June 20, 2011

He's Here!!!!

This was the best weekend of my life! I feel like I get to have those "Best" moments often...the day I got engaged to Kirk I thought was the best, until we got sealed-and THAT was the best! Until we got pregnant and knew we were taking the next big step and progressing in the Plan- that was the best feeling even more...each experience becomes more and more of a "Best Time of My Life" moment, and I can reverently say that this is another one...somehow, once again, Heavenly Father has found a way to keep making my life the Best. I am in awe at the blessings I have been given. I will never do anything that would distance me from the rich blessings the Lord has given me...

I was schedule to be induced on June 4th but my water broke just in time! At 1am I woke up Kirk and off to the hospital we were! I was SO HAPPY!! I started contracting on the way and by the time we got there I was dilated to a 5! I got checked in, set up and signed up for an epidural at 7cms! I started pushing about 6:15am and 30 mins later he was here! I pushed him out posterior and all :) Which, word on the street, is the most difficult way to deliver. I was quite a proud mama! We got sent upstairs to Post Partum where things only got better! My bff, Chelsey, had decorated our room sooo cute! I gratefully and surprisingly recovered with no pain at all, just stiff muscles. Amos was as healthy as anyone could ask for! APGAR was a 9 at every scoring and he took right to nursing. I will never forget how much I loved having him skin-to-skin & nursing for the first time. I am in love with nursing him...

I'll write more soon!


Chelsey said...

Girl I am SOO happy for you!! :)
I can't wait to see him again, I bet he's so much bigger.
love you!