Amos is still as cute and happy as can be!!
He's teething! He has 2 little guys coming in on the bottom! For how uncomfortable it looks, he's handling it well so far. Every once in a while (usually when he's tired) you can tell he's hurting, but he's taking it like a man :)
He had his 6 month Dr's checkup this week and he's growing wonderfully! He's 22.5 pounds and 27.7 inches long!
Lately he's been doing this awesome deal where he doesn't poop... He went 11 days. Yes, ELEVEN DAYS without pooping. He was eating normally, having wet diapers, playing normally, his tummy wasn't hard, ..he was still his happy little self! We went to the Dr's to have him looked at here and there, but they told us he was okay! They also said sometimes when babies grow fast and are still getting the majority of their nutrition from breast milk, their bodies have less waste! Thus, less poop! It sure drives me into all sorts of worries, but I suppose he's doing what he's suppose too! And WE'RE very grateful for his health!
He's also figuring out how to scoot forward! He'll stretch out realllly long, reach realllly hard and far to grab his toys, and, if the occasion calls for it he'll get up on his little tippy toes and inch forward. It's so fun to watch! Sometimes he gets frustrated with it, but he's usually a good sport about it (that is, if mom and dad don't make him work for his toys tooooo often! ;) ).
Amos is sleeping better these days too! He sleeps in his crib for the night, until he wakes up to eat. Sometimes he wakes up hungry at 11pm, sometimes not until 4am! Which is good! So far he has naturally transitioned himself, so we're going to keep encouraging him along that path.
He loves FOOD! He'll squeal and fuss until he gets a taste of whatever mom or dad is eating. Silly man! He LOVES to drink water out of our cups too! His new favorite baby foods are: Peach Cobbler, Turkey and Rice, Mixed Fruit and Carrots. If we time it right, he gobbles them down in a flash!
Kirk is doing SoOoO much better now that the semester is over! He has successfully passed his finals and can breathe now! But don't let that fool you, that extra time won't last toooo long! He's signed up for Winter Fire School this January! Plus, he has volunteered to help the Department put together an educational slide show, jam-packed with information for the New Recruit Academy of 2012.
Well, what about all that in between time? You know... early in the morning, late at night, while mom & baby are napping, while waiting for dinner to be done, etc. ... He has made the most out of that time through a fancy pile of books he can't WAIT to tap into! He's been reading and learning a lot about saving money, investing money, saving time, all those good things. He's only finished 3 books in 2 weeks. :) He's so awesome. I'm really grateful to him for putting the time into learning about finances because it has already helped us plan for the future! Goal: Pay cash for our house: that's right! word. (Dave Ramsey, The Richest Man in Babylon and The Four Hour Work Week are books he would recommend to everyone!)
He has also had Christmas Parties galore! Adams CO Management took everyone to The Bell Tower for a very, very generous evening. We were extremely taken away by the beautiful Reception Center that hosted us for dinner and a magic show. It was a wonderful Christmas night! They also gave all their employees exciting gifts and bonus's this year. I am so so grateful that my husband works for such a fantastic company! It's owned an operated by a father and his 4 sons... we're grateful to be part of their success!
The Fire Department also had their Annual Christmas Party downtown. It was relaxing and fun to kick back and spend time with everyone. They gave all the FF's these really cool Medallion's with the Maltese Cross on them, and the year 2011. If anyone of the FF's is caught without their Medallion, they have to buy their crew a round of Beer or Diet Coke. lol. I challenge Kirk all the time, especially when I know he doesn't have it. Hey, I'm always up for a Diet Coke! :) They also gave all the wives a Ladies Auxiliary cookbook, backpack and T-shirt. And of course they advertise that we're a "Fireman's Wife," and we all proudly represent!
Super-Dad. That's what Kirk has been up too lately! He really is a SUPER DAD! Amos is his little pal. They feed Moja together, hand out and watch T.V. together, feed each other, talk to each other and play with toys all the time! I always count down the time until Kirk is off work because I love to see Amos pop up the biggest smile of the day for his dad. It brings me so much joy to watch Kirk father our son the ways he does.
I'm doing good! I can't complain! I'm a happy mom and wife! (Most days! lol) I'm so grateful to have such wonderful friends, family, good health and a great husband to life me up!
I have completed another year of Christmas shopping (no complaints in this department! I'll take any excuse to shop!), Christmas cards and neighborhood gifts- HOORAY! I've only made 4 double-batches of sugar cookies to sprinkle throughout our neighborhood, circle of friends and work associates... But let's be honest here. I love baking/cooking, so REALLY I've been playing in my kitchen all month! Plus, it's that time of the year to put on 5 pounds in treats, right?!
I have made some great friend in our neighborhood! And it's been a fun month for get-together's! We had a Girls Night Out where we ate junk food and played Dance Dance 3... which was way more fun than I've ever imagined! Also had a Cookie Exchange with the sisters in our ward! And of course, Diet Coke and Chocolate Chip cookies with friends is always a winner. Don't forget all our craft days! I have some amazing crafters for friends!! And, To throw into the list of events, we also had fun at the Ward Christmas Party and have spent lots of time with our cousins who live in town.
December means Christmas Music!! I wait all year to pull out my Christmas Piano Music. I love it! We have failed to decorate this year, but feel slightly okay about it since we'll be in Salt Lake for Christmas, so our main source of Christmas Cheer is music and treats! Yay! It's a good thing Christmas is celebrated for one month, because I sure overplay those songs! By the time January rolls around it's totally time to put them away for another 11 months! :)
I mentioned Kirk investing a lot of time into reading. Well, he has invested time into making a list of books for me to read as well! :) It's a goal we made together. We want to widen our vocabulary, widen our thinking and expand our education together. What better way that reading?! I'm half-way through 2 books hahaha rookie mistake! But hey, at least we're consistent!