Thursday, May 20, 2010

giant cupcake DAY!

Today was such a FABULOUS day!!

I guess it's time to let it allllll out!

Kirk was layed off his job about 2-3 weeks ago. Which was a total bummer, but also quite the reason we played so much! We had a BALL before the stress set in! But we have been so blessed even though we didn't have the income. Eventually he was ablo to get a job as the Valet at the hospital with me! YIPPEE!!

Today was the first day when we both worked together. And it was FABULOUS! It's so much fun seeing him at work, I can't even explain! It was a little funny at first to get use too. I was taking a patient downstairs who was headed home and I was so involved in her care that seeng Kirk kinda suprised me! He opened the doors for me so I could wheel my pt down the hospital entrance in the wheel chair and I thought to myself "Holy Crap! He's hot!" Then the wierdest thing came over me...It was like I regressed back to our dating stage. Butterflies galore! OUt of nowhere I got this sudden wave of giddyness! When he came down the ramp to see me I froze up! My heart started pounding! It was out of control!!! And he was making me SO NERVOUS! I honestly didn't know what to do! It was like we were dating all over again! So I kinda smiled, then kicked his leg all dumblike and said "Hey good lookin!" BAHAHAHahaha Kicked his LEG?! Well if that's not a flirty-first dating move, I don't know what is! Then I looked straight forward. I tensed up-Heaven forbid someone see us kissing, hugging or even touching for that matter! My heart was still going, probably harder! Kirk walked over, put his arm around my waist and asked how my day was...I think I turned as bright red as a tomatoe! It was all down hill from there! He helped me load my pt and her belongings into her ride's car. Then he gave me a HUGE red rose and kissed my forheard. awww I love him. I thanked him, returned his kiss and scampered back up to my unit like an anxious puppy. Keeping in mind this whole situation took about 90 seconds to happen. Wow! Do you see what this man does to me?!!?!?! Butterflies!! Heart poundage! Giddy attacks! He is so cute that he turns me into a bright red tomatoe with walking legs! Hahahaha It was 2 seconds before I realized how silly I had been, texted him then quickly returned to give him my loves. My goodeness! Being professional with the hottest man in the world, AND love of my life just yards away from me......oh boy!!! Kirk spent the rest of shift making fun of and trying to embaress me in anyway possible. He is such a goof ball :) That must be why we get along!

Well, after that minor detail...Kirk brought us homemade enchiladas for lunch. We still haven't gotten to the end of our first pan. I think we're going to be eating them for the rest of our life! We sat in my units Family Room and just laughed about the days happenings. It was so fun! I'm going to love working together! Today was fabulous! I was so happy all day, so full of energy and so excited to be at work! It was a crazy day too! We discharged 10 patients! All by 2pm! So I was running all over the place, but grateful that my teenage-heart overpowered my emtions today, stopping me from realizing how overworked I was!


We have the most ADORABLE patients on our floor right now!

There is one that is absolutley to DIE for! When night shift passed on report to me about him, I thought they were exaggerating about how charming he was! But it is ALL true! He is a little Samoan boy with the darn cutest personality! He has been such a joy to take care of! I walked in his room this morning to do some blood tests and he had the BIGGEST brightest grin on his little face! He stood up on his bed and started pointing at his breakst..."EGGS! PaNCAKes!! TooOOOOAST (then pointing to his tummy..) SAUSAAAAAAAGE!!!!!" Then plopped back down on his blankets for a big-boy bite of yummies. I smiled inside and out! Then thought.... this is why I work here. It's not the nurses, it's not for money, it's not my manager, it's not the protocols and doctors or's the patients.

I had another moment like that with an angle little girl. She was soo weak from being sick that her cute little legs couldn't lift her anymore. As her mother went to pull up her car from the parking lot, I helped dress her and get her ready for discharge. I layered blankets and pillows in a wagon, then lifted her lifeless little body into the fluffy blankies and we went for a wagon ride downstairs. The look of discomfort was on her face everytime we moved her, it makes the compassionate side of my heart burst open! Her sweet growing smile was to die for! With her mermaid in one hand, her mermaid brush in the other, we went to meet her mommy. It's incredible what a wagon ride can do for a worn-out child. She brightened right up! Before we got downstairs I learned that she loved dollies, her big brother sometimes helps her ride her bike and that her four precious fingers meant she was four years old. Sometimes I don't want these babies of ours to go home! Moms and dads don't give us enough time to love them!

Well, as you can see it has been a beautiful day! I am so blessed each and every minute I have to spend working where I do, especially with my husband. God has blessed me :)

and now kirk is home from Fire EARLY!!!!


today was kirks LAST day of the recruit academy!