Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dedicated to little Dylan

Working on Pediatrics has been what I always dreamed of as a little girl. (I think Heavenly Father has a way of giving us what we want if we do what He wants, always. If not, he'll give us something better.) As a woman on this earth, the opportunity for motherhood has always always burned inside me. I think it does for all little girls! We play 'house' and dress our dollies, braid our barbies hair and collect our siblings to form a class to play 'school'... it is a special spirit and gift instilled in all little girls. We all one day want to be a mom. I have always wanted that, and even more as I've grown up.

I owe to that "special spirit" the goal I've always had of working with kids in a career setting . It wasn't until I was a little older that I discovered my love for learning about our bodies. It blows my mind that God is so smart, the more I learn the more I marvel at His knowledge. And to day I get the opportunity to be like Him if I choose to listen and follow Him... . What a perfect combo- taking care of, or being a mother figure for children in a medical setting...

Well, I remember being little and often pulling out a childrens dictionary we had. It had lots of simple worded references to the human body. Even when we would go to my grandma Burgoynes house, as a little girl, I would adventure downstairs into her library and for a few minutes search her encyclopedias. I said it multiple times, and I will say it again.. in a most perfect world I would be a Pediatric Doctor. Mostly for the knowledge and education I would recieve... But I fall back to that "special spirit" I mentioned earlier, that calls within my heart a deep desire to be a mother, more then anything. There is nothing I would do to take time away from my family. I would love to be a doctor, but not enough to prioritize it infront of my motherhood. Afterall, my husband and I will become ultimate physicians in the world to come, and I look forward to that with earnestness and excitement. But until that glorious day comes....and until motherhood comes... I have rejoycingly achieved an inner goal of working with children at the hospital.

Owe, the things I have learned.

I look at the amazing women I work with. Every one of them has been an example to me and have added precious moments and lessons to my life. They are such wonderful mothers, incredibly loving nurses and brilliantly beautiful thinkers. I can't help but continuously think to myself "What does my God want me to learn from her?"

When I dwell on the way I feel about working on pediatrics with the children and the reason I love it, it but only sheds light on what has drawn others to work there as well. We all as women have a nurturing light within our beings to care for these pure children.

I wish the feelings of thankfulness I feel could somehow be shown through my words.

We recently had a sweet boy of ours pass away. And indeed, truly and sincerely, we felt that he was ours. When you serve and care for these little kids and their families with long-term illnesses, how can we not feel we've lost a piece of our own heart when we lose them. I just know that we all have our favorite little patients that we look forward to treating.. whether they be our cancer kids or brand new glowing faces coming to our floor. There is just so much compassion and heart warming blessings that I have felt from my work.

I wish with you a few things I have learned from these wonderful children:

  • Be brave.

  • It's easy to forgive.

  • Toothless smiles and freckled faces make me happy.

  • I can do anything when my mom is holding my hand and family is everything.

  • Everyone loves homemade pictures.

  • Don't forget to say please and thank you.

  • Everyone loves to be loved.

  • If I close my eyes I'm not scared.

  • A little sacrifice now will make me happier later.

  • Trust.

  • Patience and love.