Thursday, March 18, 2010

Top Ten

It's only thursday and this week has already been ROCKIN! Why? because......
  1. we went SWING DACING! awh! we haven't done that sense our wedding! We went with Jon & Amanda and Tyson & Jade! Can you say UH-MAZING!? And of course, ice cream afterwords=AlWaYs a must!
  2. ultimate frisbee-glow in the dark style!! SO FUN! with chelsey & gordon, mark & jessica. we love meeting new friends! ESpeCiaLlllLLLly when they have dirt bikes too!!
  3. driving all the way to mesquite with my wonderful husband to rescue a BOM. long story! fabulous story!
  4. getting off work EARLY!! letting me see my husband b/f he goes to the fire department and allowing me more sleep for the previous night of 3 hours! hahahaha
  5. st patty's day of course! pics below :)
  6. one BEA-Utiful pic nic!
  7. finding sticky notes GALORE all over my car from my best best VERY best st george friend! Chelsey Baker! whom i am EXTREMELY glad to have back from a freakin long Florida trip...butthead
  8. making my husband happy with the sale on powerade TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE!....4 cases later made me a VERY proud wife!
  9. finding a new and most excellent song that i just LOVE~! you should listen to's called Love Like Crazy and it's on this blog's music mix!
  10. And getting asked to LAS VEGAS GIRLS NIGHT OUT! WahOooOoOoOO! Janelle is ENGAGED! and we're celebrating! the first thing on the agenda is pedicures for our SHOE SHOPPING! Awwwwh! i'm seriously so freakin excited, it's RIDIC. YAY!
  11. having a camp out on our family room floor! we layed our blankies and pillows on the carpet and had a sleep over! it was way fun!
  12. CaFe RiO with SUSIE Q! which encompasses MUCH! ...entering the Nerd Room, mushing about our husbands...solving world probelms-you know how we do!