Monday, March 8, 2010

MY college experience... MARRIED!

remember how every crazy fun thing we do in high school was decided in a split-second?! from the things we ate to the messes we got oursevles into...but BOY it was fun! i look back at the friends i had, the memories we made and the exciting life we lived and i get that same energy all over again! after graduation you have one thing to look forward too=TEN TIMES MORE FUN IN COLLEGE! being on your own, no curfew, no limits, just you against the world. but might i add....those crazy college experieces that last a lifetime...the busy, spur of a moment excitment is forever and FARRR more alive in me b/c i get to share it with my eternal companion. and together we get to remember and create our college lifes hand in hand.
last night after the sun went down kirk and i were just hanging out. kirk asked me what i wanted to to do and i told him i wanted to sleep under the stars. so that's what we did! this is sooo not new for us b/c we camp anywhere in a moments decision. how i love him. i love his adventerous and daring energy. there is nothing we won't do together. i am so happy i married someone who is always game for anything, someone who somehow finds a way to make things work, and someone who isn't afraid to be wild! so last night we grabbed 3 items...our blow=up mattress, a sleeping bag and a box of matches and we hit the road! we drove towards AZ on the outskirts of town, far enough away that when we turned the truck off it was pitch black. i LOVE that pitch black feeling! barely being able to see my husband, but knowing he's there. in church they talked about blocking out all the noises in our life, so that's what we did. we turned down our christian music and listened to the silence. awh! i LOVE that!! everytime! and i'm so grateful my husband loves it like i do! then we blew up the mattress and layed in the back of the truck, seeing the city lights barely twinkle a hundred or so miles away. awwawww. with the two of us snuggle up in one sleeping bag, we talked the night away and eventually drifted into sleep. when we woke up a few hours later it had started to rain. it smelled soooo good, and the breeze through the rain drops was so refreshing. the dirt road we were on just drank up the rain. when we climbed out of the truck the ground was so thirsty that there was no mud!! we waited outside where the silence turned to that relazing and refreshing stormy sound. eventually we climbed back in the truck to head for home...but how i love nights like those. and how i love kirk. i'm so thankful he is fun and sporatic the way i am!
when we got home, we popped in kirks favorite kind of movies....cowboy movies! hahaha he's so cute! we watched Quiggly Down Under and it IS really good! i can only stand to watch those movies b/c i know he loves them so. "babe, i want to be a cowboy." and i want to be a cowgirl... i love the future dreams we make together. to live in a small sturdy town, in a good country home with a wrap-around pourch. a big green field around our house that our children can run, play, and scrape their knees in...the kind that is filled with horses, and long grass that is good for hiding in and planting. to have a big window in our country kitchen that overlooks our town so i can look out across all our beautiful land and watch our children play, as i'm cooking a big home made meal out of fresh food from our garden. a garden that was placed to help our children learn the value of hardwork and responsibility. and a big country window that we can watch the sun slowy set behind the mountains from our family dinner table, just after family home evening. a house that is small enough to keep our hearts set on the outside beauty around us, but a home that is big enough for our family and loved ones to find serenity and peace from the world. we want to live in a place that when we walk outside our back door at night, it's the moon and glitter-like stars in countless number that light our path. we want to have four wheelers and trucks to go mudding in the very second we see the rain coming. to raise beautiful girls and boys that we will teach to love the glorious gospel, how to cook, study, make friends, work hard and play even harder with our family...what a beautiful time that will be, how grateful i am to be able to dream with the one i love most...