Monday, August 30, 2010

tickles and whispers of the Holy Spirit...

...that have taught or reminded me of glorious truths.

My Eternal Companion

  • Catharine Fortuna will always be a princess, but Catharine McAllister will always be a Queen.
  • It is better that I die a most tortureous, grieveous and terrifying death than lose my Purity or break my Covenants. Defend it nobly. Satan has confused the world. If I get bamboo shoved under my finger nails, flesh eating bugs scattered on me, and nails hammered into my teeth then left for open festering infections to puss (like the Chinese do to torture).... it is worth it. In the Eternal perspective, it is always worth it.
  • Kirk is so in-tune with the spirit. Sustain it, honor it and encourage it beyond anything else.
  • Some parts of life can be draining and hard, but it's worth it to work through it. School may be a struggle, self image may be a struggle, it may be drugs.. family.. motherhood.. health... marriage But that's the just gotta work through it. This world if full of the "easy way outs", avoid them. There is more satisfaction and self gratification in working through whatever life has given you.
  • Joseph Smith didn't just see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ when he was 14. They didn't only tell him not to join the current churches... but they conversed, taught and explained glorious things to him. Who knows how long Joseph could have been in that grove of trees. I never thought of it that way before...
  • The world needed relgious leaders such as Clement, Cletus, Linus, and Luther in the Middle ages. They helped to open the minds of the people so when JS organized the Church, the world was okay with this new and Enlightened relgion. The world was forced under a strong but un-unified Christian belief at the time. If it weren't for these men being brave enough to break up the molds, JS would have been ignored and looked down upon even more. Then the American dream of relgious freedom blossomed. Relgious excitement flourished. Heavenly Father truly prepared the world for Joseph.