- Today I'm grateful that my husband took me out for dinner at Olive Garden, that our bill was smaller then we thought AND that we got two chocolate mints each, instead of one :) .
- I'm so thankful for our home. Somehow cleaning our house always makes me more grateful for it. There's nothing like the smell of fresh laundry, and the look of shiny counter-tops and floors. I love cleaning! I love it, i L.O.V.E. it. It seriously makes me more grateful for what we have.
- I'm grateful Kirk and I have jobs that we love. We had to weed through a few before we found what we have, but that has made us love them all the more! Happy and exciting jobs totally promote a happy and stress/pressure-free marriage :)
- I'm grateful for the way my body feels when I exercise. I'm on a roll everyone! I'm a bridesmaid @ Brad & Leahs wedding next week (YAY!!!!) and I"m proud to say my crash-work outs have been successful once again! I have gone running every night, walking every morning and biked 3 times since last Monday! 8 days in a row baby...going strong!
- I'm thankful for girlfriends! I've been able to catch up with a few and look forward to seeing a few more SOON! I love my Chelsey's, Tali's, Ally's, McKenna's, Barbie's and my Mommy Fortuna's!
- Today I'm thankful for blessings that come from reading the BOM. Somehow I lost track of time this morning while I was eating my cereal... before I knew it was 8am!! Ah! I'm usually out the door 5 minutes before 8!! By the time I got my last-minute things together I didn't leave until 8:07. Somehow I was able to leave my house, stop by the office to get chalk, get stalled by an old lady with lots of memories to share, fill up at the gas station and get clear across town by 8:29. One minute before I would be late. I couldnt believe I had made such good time! I didn't speed AND I hit red lights lol! I feel like It all happened because the Lord wanted to strengthen my testimony on reading the scriptures. It did, and it boosted my confidence in Him a level stronger. An awesome feeling!
- I"m grateful that Mo and I got to play in the river! We ran a bike trail near our house that follows a river! SooO when we were sweaty and stinkcy we decided to tromp through the bushes and sticks to the water. She absolutley LOVED it! She was going CRAZY! It was so funny! She loves the sand and water! I took off my shoes and socks so I could chase her..... she got a kick out of it! She was flippin up sand, splashing everywhere, then rolling around in the sand agian...way fun! However, I thought I was going to kill her when she grabbed my shoes and took them swimming hahaha but it was pretty fun to see her so hyper!
- I'm grateful that I was able to wake up at 5 am this morning and not be tired, but totally energetic! It's been a while since I had to get up that early for work!! It reminded me how much I love the cool, still, fresh St George mornings.
- I'm so grateful for Barbie today. She has such great adive and is such an awesome roll model. She's so sweet, honest and good-hearted. I admire her! I'm sooo grateful I got paired up to team teach with her! I learn so much everyday.
- I'm grateful for treats! Today while I was driving I was thinking about all the yummy foods I love (in a "If I were stuck on an Island and could only have 3 foods, what would they be?" kind of way). I love red vines/twizzlers, tootsie rolls, fresh fruit & veggies, guacamole, pretzles, diet mountain dew.... and sweet potatoe french fries! awh yes. yum! And an occasional hand-full of cheerioes! OH! and chocolate-covered cinnamon bears!
- I'm also grateful that Kirk and I have enough to give :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
today's top ten!
Posted by Kirk and Cat at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
My Kirky Monster!
SooOoo this morning Kirk went to work like any other normal day, with a big hug and a kiss! After he was out the door I was heading down the hall to brush my teeth when the front door opened again. "BAAAAAABE, you should drop by the office today and see me! I love you! Bye again!" Awhhh another teency tincy moment that made me love him more. Of course I'll drop by!!! I know he loves spending time together whenever we can, but to HEAR it... to have him ASK it, for him to SAY it,.... Awh. I know, little right!? But it made my day! I'm so grateful and blessed. And yess, that little moment made me fall in love with him and our happy marriage even more! .... Somehow he ALWAYS does that! I tell him all the time that I don't think my love for him can grow any greater, but he always suprises me! He always finds a way without even knowing it! And I stand here again to say that if my love grows anymore for him, it's going to explode everywhere! Love guts and goo over EVERYTHING! hahaha
"I've seen the storm clouds in your past,
But baby rest assured 'cause you are home at last!
I rescued you, you rescued me.
We're right where we should be when we're together.
I know the questions in your mind, but go ahead and ask me one more time.
You'll find the answer's still the same...
...It won't change from day to day, for worse or better.
Will I promise to be your best friend?
And am I here until the end?
Can I be sure I have been waiting for you?
And did I say my love is true?
Baby I will.
I am.
I can.
I have.
I do.
I know the time will disappear,
But this love we're building on will always be here.
No way that this is sinking sand...
On this solid rock we'll stand forever.
Will I promise to be your best friend?
And am I here until the end?
Can I be sure I have been waiting for you?
And did I say my love is true?
Baby I will. I am. I can. I have. I do. "
Country music says it all sometimes!
I have a bestfriend forever!!!! wo. I have someone who holds the priesthood in our home. I have someone to love me forever. I have someone who believes in me. I have someone who will squish the bugs for me. I have someone who pulls out my gray hairs and still loves me(i know, i know. i'm only TWENTY TOO!). I have someone who is my running buddy. I have someone. I have someone who tickles me, even when I get mad at him for it. I have someone who plays jokes on me. I have someone to dance with. I have someone to sing in the car with. I have someone that reads me Gospel books. I have someone with a really cute smile! I have someone who saves other peoples lives. I have someone who will do a load of laundry when he see's it's been a busy week for me. I have someone who lets me come home to a candle lit evening. I have someone who shares the same priorities with me. I have someone whom I share open communication with. I have someone who takes me back to the temple. I have someone who is committed to me. I have someone to make dinner for. I have someone to take care of. I have someone to create a cozy home for. I have someone to love. I have someone to tell my funny Preschool stories to. I have someone to kiss. I have someone to watch movies with. I have someone who eats my leftovers. I have someone to call. I have someone with big, manly, gentle hands and big, stinky feet. I have someone who knows how to make me happy. I have someone to cuddle with all night. I have someone to be unconditionally grateful for, and another Someone to be unconditionally grateful to.
Posted by Kirk and Cat at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
where does a mommy belong!?
*** before you read this, please know that these are my personal thoughts and feelings on the subject of Motherhood. i don't mean to preach or tell ppl what's right and wrong, i simply mean nothing more than to journal keep about something i am passionate about. take my words with a grain of salt and know they are nothing more than just me :) everyone has something different going for them and these are only my and my good hubby's thoughts. (i forget ppl actually read my blog)***
Posted by Kirk and Cat at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
Dancin with thunder!
Posted by Kirk and Cat at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
excited? WAY!
- I finished my visiting teaching!! bomb baby! I made a goal to do my VT b/c I never have! This month went absolutely fabulous and I have come to really see why we do it. If not for the girl-talk that we ALL NEED (admit it or not) it's to share ideas and help with everyday things in our lives. It was good for me to just meet new friends, being somewhat new to our ward. I learned that the lessons are important and inspired but not essential to building this kind of a realtionship. Especially when you have less active families or some who aren't ready to hear it! It's more about service. But ending the visit with a prayer certainly brings a powerful spirit. Anywho's... I'm super proud of it, but slightly ashamed that it's a first for me! Aimee and I rock, go US!
Guess What Else!?!!!!!
I've been learning how to bargain shop...find amazing deals and use them coupons!
- Bra's from heaven! I found the best fit I have ever had in YEARS! So.... i got 3! After a $10 gift card and a coupon I got them all for $18.60!! Which to me, the only thing that could make this any better was if they were dipped in chocolate!
- 7 cake mixes, 1 cornbread mix, 3 twenty oz pancake mixes, 3 boxes of pretzels, 1 box of pop tarts, 1 12ct box of brownies, 1 box of granola bars, 1 diet mtn dew, 1 package of rice, 3 Cups of Noodles for $14.23!!!!!!!!!!! I went to buy snacks for Kirks office at work and holy smokes! Course I went to another store to buy apples and yogurts for snacks as well, but I got 22 items for less then 15 bucks! loved it!
Posted by Kirk and Cat at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
Loo Loo Shmoo Shmoo
Posted by Kirk and Cat at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday Sept 10, 2010
There is SooOOOo much I want to say! Geez la weez! TGIF, right?!
- I just absolutely, with every stinkin cell of my ginormous body, LOVE teaching. Love it! I TOTALLY love it! I walked out of Riverside Elementary today all sorts of happy! Kids can be so amazing and catch your eye when you least expect it! Preschoolers are angels at the PERFECT age, but elementary aged kids are so... just sooo... impressive. So diverse. I love seeing the wheels turn in their heads, and I love watching them interact. God is amazing! And just like that, I think I've found it! I'm onto something with this job.... I just know it! I'm almost, not completely, but more then I have ever been CONVINCED about what I want to be. And it's been one week.... It's my sign -i HOPE! :)
- this morning we watched the CUTEST baby ever! It's official! We've been helping out our neighbors who just had a baby boy. We watch him on Fridays while they're at work and he's ADORABLE! My goodness! I could just kiss his chubbers all day!
- Well, when you see my furrrry legs I hope you think of Kirk haha. If they fluff against you, gross you completely out, or mislead you to think I'm tan...it's his fault. Hahaha I told him that I wasn't going to shave my legs until he suprises me! He has hidden all the razors in our house and thinks it's funny...
- GUESS WHAT!!!????!!!!!!!!!!! There's an LDS private school in our small town USA!! K-8th grade. FREAKIN SWEET huh!??!!! I learned about it from one of the mothers at school today! I drove by it today, it's dang small, but it's there! I was talking to another teacher about how there's a lot in the curriculum that she doesn't agree with anymore...teaching gay marriage is okay, ect. ....and when I heard about Liberty Academy it brought me back to my glory days at Deseret Academy, the private LDS I went too. I told kirk about it and about how freakin expensive it is, and we're just keeping our fingers crossed that it survives for our future children. I just think that a lot of my knowledge, testimony and love of the gospel came FIRST from my good mother, and SECOND from learning about it everyday of my life at an early impressionable age. *Please survive little school, PlEaSe! And maybe, JUST MAYBE I will teach there??? :) *
- I have become the craft QUEEN lately! I've done all sorts of cutsie's! I'll have to take pics, but it been way fun! And a good use of my time!
- I went to the dentist and DIDN'T HAVE ANY CAVITIES!!! This was a follow up apt b/c apparently my dentist thought he saw somethin, but nope! nothin! I went in mentally prepared for shots and goobers and came out 5 minutes later smiling! WahOOo! I learned today that because your teeth are living bones, they can heal themselves...meaning they can heal cavities! so maybe that's what happened!? i dunno but i'm HAPPY!
- THE UTES WON! If you want to buy tickets to the ultimate showdown, the last game of BYU vs Utah ever, let us know! we are too! can't wait... nov baby!
- Kirk has been called as the Ward Mission Leader and I'm his lovely assistant! We had our first meeting, taught our first Gospel Principles Class and our having the missionaries over for dinner this weekend! We've also become their personal taxies...it's great! We just love it!
....Well i gotta go! I'll finish the update soon! Later alligator!
Posted by Kirk and Cat at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 6, 2010
Posted by Kirk and Cat at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Geez...then what did we do!? We took a freakin long nap-THAT's what we did! It was so nice... Kirk has been way stinkin busy and I had to spend the last 2 nights sleepin alone because he was fightin fires :( :( :( I miss him a lot when he goes, but I try to think of only the good thoughts...and there are soo many of them! I always say a small prayer in my heart about how grateful I am that my home isn't the one on fire, that my family isn't in danger, and that our things are safe. It makes it a lot easier! I also try to picture him helping people out of flames, or just putting our the fire... how grateful they must be to him and the other firemen for coming to the rescue. If I were them I would be so deeply thankful and humbled by their help....It makes lonely nights and last minute cancelations soo much more enjoyable. :) I have a lot to be grateful for, and I know that somewhere out there people our grateful to me for giving up my hubby for a few hours.
We sure had a crazy CRAZY day recently! First, we got pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign (what the? i SWEAR we did)...but whatev. Anywho, after that we continued on our way to eat some yummy Panda Express. Afterwords we did a little sock shopping. When we walked out of the store a man wearing a Best Buy shirt literally leached onto us! He tried selling us this killer entertainment center that was "worth over 2500 dollars, but [he] would sell it to us for any amount if we would promise not to return it, or resale it."...Fishy? MUCHO! He practically put the box in our car, we had to take it out and set it on the floor! His story was never the same either. Gosh,...The guy wouldn't leave us alone and it was nearly impossible to leave the parking lot. He claimed it was extra merchandise bla bla bla and that he would give it to us for $200 just because he knew we would use it bla bla. Anywho, we ended up having him follow us to a busy gas station so we could get his license plate number and turn him in. We were convinced it was stolen! He seemed WAY too desperate. But..Little did we know, the cops were already ontop of it! When we got to Cheveron Kirk and the dude went inside while I picked up the cell to call it in...but guess who pulled in right behind us?! The police. hahaha it was crazy! Needless to say the man got hauled away and after we filled out reports, we got to leave! BUT, that's not the end of the story!! We stopped on our way home to participate in a little politics. At the corner of River Rd and 700 S there was some Obama bashing goin on and we wanted to learn about it. (Kirk and I have made a goal to get more involved in politics and this was one way for us to do it.) Anways, the same cop that we saw earlier came to make sure things were legal and it was funny to see him again. THEN kirk got called out in the middle of the night on a druggy dude and i'll give you OnE gUeSS as to who else was there...!?!?!?? HIM! Again! crazy huh!? ANyways, it was a pretty wacky day!
Well Sunday's are always just fabulous, arent they!? It was fast Sunday and my good Kirky bore his testimony about J Smith and the restored gospel. He's so awesome. I also got to say the closing prayer in Sacrament Meeting :) It always makes me feel so good to participate in any way I can. Sunday School and RS were great too, but I want to tell you about our Sunday walk. It was so peaceful! We went back to the Hanky Pank with mo. It was Sooo fun! It was actually pretty late so we took this ginormous flash light that my dad gave Kirk. It was perfect. We walked a ways, then went off trail down to the river. Mo was SO funny! She loves water! She was runnin, splashin and jumping all over the place! Kirk found a good stick that she played fetch with too. She has so much energy sometimes, it's hilarious! It also cracked me up to see her run in the sand. I don't know why she loved it so much, maybe because it's soft on her paws, but she went CRAZY! She was making dust clouds all over the place! Silly silly girl... But, back to the river! The cool water felt sooo good, it was cold-but a refreshing cold that matched the warm night air just perfeectly! Especially with a breeze...aww. It even smelled good too! It smelled fresh :) This world is such a beautiful one! We are so blessed to live where we do. And we even made it back to our house in time for the U vs Pitt game *replay! yesssss
ps. I'm going to attempt to completely turn to our blog and stop with the old fasioned journal-ness. Just a heads up! I imagine our blog will be updated almost daily, but probably more boring hahaha. So if the title is the date, that's your warning :)
Posted by Kirk and Cat at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Head-Over-Heels gaga!
- a devotion of One-ness [to One] in everyway...spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, romantically
- Somthing only felt to it's complete fulness between man & wife
- Godliness
- an inspirational attraction
- a Virtue
- passion and desire
- commitment and value
- a hunger or thirst
- somthing that has the power to create silly, dorky and childish explosion of happiness inside you!..without making you feel DUMB (even though you probably should haha)
- a bursting, bright and instant energy
I guess I'll blast the AC all night so I can at least cuddle in his sweatshirt and bball shorts. ...sigh...just like olds times again.
Posted by Kirk and Cat at 10:32 PM 0 comments