Thursday, March 17, 2011

GunLock Falls #3

Last Sunday we headed up to Gunlock-AGAIN! 3rd Sunday in a row! It was killer eventfull!! I wish we had pictures of this go-around for lots of reasons...! GOsh, So much happened this time-I just have to write it down before I forget!

  1. Stinky Poopy Moja made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to give birth in the river! Hahaha we decided to walk up stream before heading to the Falls just to see something new! Mo goes crazy hyper in the sand and water-she L.O.V.E.S. it! And that's a complete understatement! At one point she got this random-insane-doggy-idea (totally saw that lightbulb turn on!) to dart full speed ahead..... she got maybe 15 ft when she hit a big gooey batch of sinking sand. I have never seen any human being or stinky animal face-plant so bad in my entire life! It was an instant -full on- SLAP in the mud hahah I about died! Her 2 front legs sank instantly making her face smack the ground in .3954 seconds flat. ... I crack up just remembering it! lol And oh boy-I thought Kirk was going to pop an artery or something b/c he was laughing so hard hahaha
  2. Moja found a large group of cows further up the river, and it became clear that she felt it her in-born duty to frazzle them up in a poor atempt to herd them away. It was pretty funny! At first they were letting her boss them around, then the bull decided he had enough. If mo wasn''t so short in comparison I'm sure she would have been scooped up in his horns a few times. I swear.... that pooch! She thinks she's a man-dog
  3. I think this was the one time I was hoping that the random "passer-by" who was trying to be discrete about taking my pic was doing so b/c I looked absolutley retarded. It just so happened to be that last Sunday was a big group date for the local lesbians. Kirk was doing some extreme hiking, so I found a nice little cozy ledge to sit on and swing my feet off of. When you turn the corner the last thing you'd expect to see is a huffing-puffing, big pregnant girl, perched on a ledge staring all dork-like at the waterfalls...The instant, uncontrolable humor that lesbo couple experienced was probably similar to how hilarious it was when Kirk and I witnessed the reaction of a chinese tourist, seeing a squirrel for the first time....slightly pathetic, but nothing short of hysterical! Anyways, I hope they were taking my pic b/c I looked ridiculous and nothing more!
  4. The water was even more full than before!! The gushing waterfall sounds and cool breeze were magnified this time. So breathtaking!
  5. Cactus Kirk! Oh this sucked so bad. Kirk lost his balance going down a slick rock and fell in a cactus! I didn't realize how crappy cactus's were! His hand was all bloody from the needles, but the very worst part was all the tiny pricks :( His hand was covered in hair-like needles, 1/2-1 inch or so...but pulling them out was awful. They kept breaking in the skin b/c they're so fragile! And kirk had at last a dozen go completely into his skin, and become invisible to the eye! We spent the whole night literally digging and cutting into his swollen hand! Cutting out a big chunck of skin hurt less then tugging at a buried needle, so we'd sometimes just hack away! I was amazed at how skinny, long, and transparent the needles were. Seriously, just the slightest touch made kirk cringe. I hated it! Kirk handles pain really well so i knew this was bad...He descirbed it as stinging pain! That's the worst. One tiny needle caused so much owy-ness that he could feel relief after a single one was removed. Just awful! If you get the big, chuncky needles stuck on you-consider yourself extremely lucky! These dumb things were the worst. How thankful I am that we had benadryl in the truck.