Thursday, February 10, 2011


This is how big our baby is!

I woke up in the middle of the night last night to a baby with HICCUPS!
I was kinda startled at first by the pattern of movements I felt AND the bubbly sounds I heard... and I"m not sure if the deep, bubbly sounds were specifically the hiccups (I don't think I can hear them from such a little baby!) but it was SooOOoo cool!
It made me so happy!
I rolled over and woke up kirk and he heard it too!!!
Isn't that so fun!?
They lasted for what seemed like FoReVeR!
I heard bubbly, gurgly sounds and felt rythmic movements ever 5-6 seconds for about 10 minutes.
They were in my dream before I woke up so I'm not sure how long they lasted but
Thank you little baby :) I love you!